List Your Hotel For Free

Getting started is easy! Sign up for free and showcase your hotel to a global audience actively seeking their next perfect stay

How does it work?

Why You Need to Join us Now!


  How will I receive my payment?

Most gust book and choose to pay on arrival, meaning you will receive payment directly from your guest. However, when payment are done online you get payment your within 24hours

  How do I upload products?

Once you have successfully signed up, you will be send a comprehensive guide on how to set up your account and add your listing

  How do I update or extend my availabilities?

Ability to update and block your booking in an event where you are fully booked is built in, you can update your prices and other details

  How do I increase conversion rate?

Bookteller promote all the hotel and shortlet on the platform. However, you are free to promote your listing on social media handles to increase your booking rate